It is common knowledge that an animal shouldn’t really have no pet insurance. Nowadays there aremany different pet insurance policiesyou can use to cover your household animal. With numerous cover levels to choosefrom, it is always important that you make sure you have the correct type ofcover for your pet. However, what you will notice about pet insurance companies is they will not tend to flat-out say whatwill not be included in different levels of coverage.


This is the main factor that quite a few pet insurance companies will notconsider covering. If you involve your pet in breeding and it links to your pet’shealth being effected, you will find that this actually invalidates your policywith a number of insurance companies.

The same can also be said for pregnancy health problemslinked to your pet, even if they are not involved in breeding. There would ofcourse be leeway with pregnancy as opposed to breeding, with some pet insurance policies covering pregnancy,but not an awful lot do. However, you can find some pet insurance companies that will have specialised add-on policies.These add ons can be added to your policy to assist in covering your pet forbreeding risks. 

Death/Cremation Fees

With the possibly of having to put your pet to sleep or beput up for cremation, there are of course necessities and factors to pay close attentionto. You must always keep proof of what you have paid in concern with your pet insurance policy. This is due to alot of insurers requiring proof to get the ball rolling on making a claim. Itis normal practice that you will have to add fees to your policy for puttingyour animal to sleep or organising a cremation.

One thing to be particularly careful with when taking out a policy,is accident-only pet insurance. Ofcourse, if you take accident-only pet insurance,any natural illness that your pet incurs will not make you viable to make aclaim. You will also find that many insurers won’t cover the payment of yourpet being put to sleep or having a cremation if the pet is over a certain age.For dogs the age is usually 8 years old.

Accidents Caused

Of course your animal can be prone to having “accidents” nowand again, whether its vomiting, urinating or carious other foul occurrences.Because of this, some companies will offer third party accidental damagecoverage willingly, however some also don’t.

You will find that your own household items will not tend tobe covered by your pet insurance policy.If your pet is with someone of an animal caring business, for instance a dogminder, then they too won’t be covered. This is due to the fact that people in thisline of work are expected to be covered already considering their job. 

Notify Your InsuranceCompany of Changes

When we say chances, this can be a variety of things. A change of owner. Using your dog for legitimate sources of income. Moving home. These are just a few examples of what situations you should notify your insurance company about.

This is merely because of the changing in circumstances for your animal. Although it should be a sure thing that you know your pet insurance policy inside out, you must always be aware of anything that can cause the policy to be invalidated. This ensures that you are always making sure that you have the policy that is right for your pet.

How Soon You Can Claim

One thing that people can slip up on is WHEN your policy can be of use. Many people assume that the policy is valid from the moment youleave the shop or close your laptop, but this isn’t the case. You are not able to make any claims on your pet insurance policy for anything that happens in the first 48 hours. Furthermore, you are not able to do so for illnesses that happen to show symptoms in the first 14 days of your pet insurance policy.

As mentioned earlier, an animal should have no pet insurance policy. The real problem you have though is just making sure you know exactly what is included when you take out your pet insurance for your animal. For further guidance in finding the right pet insurance policy for your pet, contact Rigby Financial. You can call us on 01744 886077 and we will do what we can to help you out.  

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