BIBA and ABI refute motor insurance press claim

Both the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) and the Association of British Insurers (ABI) have “strongly refuted” claims made in the press this week regarding motor insurance coverage in the UK.

The groups said they were alerted to an “unhelpful and inaccurate” item covered by Sky News on Monday, which suggested that those travelling on non-essential journeys would have their motor insurance invalidated.

BIBA said it “immediately” checked the ABI member position on motor insurance, which they confirmed as: “During lockdown the Government has advised against all but essential travel. Motor insurers continue to cover those using their vehicle for commuting to work and NHS volunteering without you having to first tell them.

“You should follow Government restrictions, but if you douse your car for non-essential travel, you will not risk invalidating your car insurance.”

BIBA then responded to a Sky News tweet to this effect, while the ABI also contacted Sky, who then updated their story.

The associations added that the story “unfortunately” seemed to arise from a release by U-Switch, adding that they “can’t control or know which publications have picked this up”.

It is contacting U Switch and the Press Association to ask for a correction.

Source: Insurance Wire

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