Not convinced you need motor fleet insurance?  

Think about this – do you have more than two company vehicles? A large workforce? Or just a desire to make your admin as streamlined as possible?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then chances are your business could benefit from a fleet policy.

Keen to understand more about what those benefits are? Keep reading, or contact the team at Rigby Financial to chat in more detail.

Reason #1 – Wider cover

First and foremost, the biggest asset of fleet insurance is the cover.

Taking the headache out of who is – and isn’t – insured to drive company vehicles, a fleet policy offers open cover. By this, we mean that anyone who meets the policy criteria (which is usually only restricted by age) and has the permission of the policy holder, can get behind the wheel.

Offering convenience and flexibility, and removing the need to contact your provider with updated names, you can relax knowing you’re fully covered. 

And it’s not just who’s driving that’s flexible. A fleet policy can cover a wide range of vehicles including cars, vans, minibuses and HGVs, keeping all options open.

Reason #2 – It keeps things simple

One policy. One renewal date. If only everything could be this easy.

Fully tailored to the needs of your business, motor fleet insurance really does help to streamline company processes.

With one policy for all vehicles and drivers, you can combine all your cover into one – what could be simpler than that?

Reason #3 – It saves time

Never enough time in the day? We know the feeling. Which is why taking out motor fleet cover can be a huge advantage to businesses.

By switching individual policies for just one, admin time can be significantly reduced. You only have one renewal date to remember, one policy document and one provider to deal with. Cutting down on time trawling through files to find the right documentation and the stress of worrying your provider has all the correct driver details.

Reason #4 – It saves money

We’ll be straight with you here – you’re not going to save vast amounts of money with a fleet policy. That said, it is definitely cost-efficient and usually cheaper than insuring every vehicle separately.

Generally speaking, the more cars you insure the greater the discount to be had.

But (and it’s a big but) when you take into account the manpower and time saved by having one comprehensive policy, regardless of the number of vehicles involved, there are still clear financial benefits.      

Reason #5 – It gives you flexibility

Never quite sure who will be in the driver’s seat or which vehicle will be available?

Whether every day is different or you’re the kind of business that experiences a fast staff turnover, take the hassle out of making sure you’re fully insured with a fleet policy.

Even better, when it comes to motor fleet insurance, it’s not just about day-to-day flexibility. The cover offered by the policy can also be built around your requirements, providing different levels of cover for different vehicles but still under one comprehensive policy.

Need a hand?

A motor fleet policy simplifies the claims and renewal process – but using an experienced broker can streamline things even further.

Need a hand finding the best cover? Is it time to renew? Or do you need to make a claim? As your broker, we’ll do the leg work for you. And if anything changes – a vehicle is sold, modified, or exchanged – all you have to do is let us know. Leaving you to get on with the day job, safe in the knowledge you’re fully protected.   

Think it could be time your business made the switch to fleet insurance? Visit our fleet insurance page to find out more, call us on 01744 886077 or fill in our enquiry form and we’ll be back in touch soon.

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