Rigby Financial

Self-invested personal pensions (SIPP) and small self-administered schemes (SSAS) are just two investment options available to you. Both offer a range of benefits thatare not included in a traditional pension. Our expert advisers can help you to decide which option best suits your needs, based on your needs…

*The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount invested.

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    What is a self-invested personal pension?

    A self-invested personal pension (SIPP) gives you more freedom to manage your ownmoney and investments. The plan cover can help you gain further access to alternative investments, unlike a traditional pension.

    These types of plans are often popular with people looking to buy a business premises. In effect this gives you the opportunity to increase or grow that premises without having to worry about capital gains tax. A SIPP also helps torelease money tied up within a property.

    How does this differ from a small self-administered scheme (SSAS)?

    Depending on your needs, a small self-administered scheme, or SASS, could be for you. Much like a SIPP, you’ll have more access to alternative investments. The main difference is that these types of pension are set up by a limited company or partnership – often to benefit a company’s directors and senior members of staff.

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